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The town of Maidenhead lies in the county of Berkshire to the West of London on the banks of the River Thames.

Maidenhead lies in what is known as the 'Silicon Corridor' of England owing to the large numbers of computer and telecommunications companies in the area, which has had an inflationary impact on the town's house-prices - they are among the highest in the country.

One of the town's most notable features is its impressive red brick bridge constructed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel that straddles the river offering beautiful views of the historic town centre. The Thames at this point is a popular location for rowers, with the annual Maidenhead Regatta hosting an extremely high standard of competition.

In recent years the town has been undergoing an extensive regeneration project aimed at remodelling its town centre, including plans to upgrade transport links, add new retail districts and improve and modernise the riverside areas.

Read more about Maidenhead in the About Maidenhead section.